How Important is Product Photography in eCommerce?
Posted on 11th August 2023 at 15:10
As the internet is fast adapting to society’s needs, becoming more and more product and sales-driven every day, there is a growing need for eCommerce product photography.
Product photography is in high demand to assist businesses in selling their products and services using aesthetically pleasing and informative photographs. The more thought-out the production of an image, the more aspects of a product the company can sell using visuals.
What is eCommerce Product Photography?
eCommerce product photography is capturing products to promote and sell them online.
Many businesses will look to hire professional product photographers to photograph their products with the sole purpose of selling them online; by positioning them correctly and using their extensive knowledge of lighting, composition and colours, product photographers are able to produce an eye-catching photograph that makes the viewer want to purchase that product.
The Importance of Product Photography in eCommerce
Have you ever been browsing online and come across a product that took your fancy, so you delved deeper into finding more photographs to further your interest, only to discover that it was just the one average resolution image?
Customers looking to purchase products online cannot physically see or feel the product before they buy it. The images of the product need to do the selling on your behalf, hence why the images must convey every detail of the product.
Images must be eye-catching and informative to set a business apart from its competitors. Customers that scroll online to find their next purchase will be discouraged from exploring your business if the images that represent you are too generic and mundane. With this in mind, product photographers have a fresh take on the representation of a product and can suggest ideas that can maximise the effect of the product imagery.
Product photography within eCommerce also creates an air of transparency and honesty around your business. Customers will be more trusting of the products you have to offer if they can see each detail of what they are looking to purchase. This leads to fewer nasty surprises down the road (including unwanted refunds!) and positive reviews that customers will leave after they receive exactly what they expected.
Product Photography Statistics
Very rarely, if not ever, will we find ourselves making a purchase without viewing the product beforehand. Whether that be in person or via the internet, customers will always prefer to view a product before investing. In fact, 93 percent of consumers consider visual appearance to be the key factor in purchasing.
Producing good visual content is key when selling a product and is 40 percent more likely to be shared on your social accounts to generate further sales for your business
The Importance of Product Photography in Advertising
It is incredibly important to invest in professional product photography when promoting your business. Producing crisp and consistent product images for your products will immediately persuade potential customers to stick around.
Ninety percent of online buyers say that the quality of a photo is the most crucial factor in an online sale. The last thing you want is your customers getting bored with trawling through reviews, hoping to find a half-decent photo of your product to finalise their decision. You want your image to grab their attention immediately, not giving them the chance to think twice about their purchase.
Good product photography can increase conversion rate (sales) by up to thirty percent; all the more reason to consider professional product photography.
Lifestyle vs Product Photography
Lifestyle photography is the use of models and props within a scene or setting to sell a product.
Lifestyle photography shows the product in the context of its setting – it gives the audience an idea of how the product is used. This allows the consumer to gauge a product’s sizes, angles and shapes in a different way than just seeing a standard photograph.
Product Photography Services from Mike Green Photography
As the demand for product photography grows within industries, so does the expertise of professional photographers like Mike Green.
Mike is highly experienced in product and commercial photography, working with several big brands to achieve successful product photography shoots.
To find out more about product photography services offered by Mike Green Photography, please get in touch.
Product Photgraphy
Tagged as: Commercial Photography, Product Photography
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